Saturday 18 May 2013

My thoughts on the proposed station closers for London Fire Brigade

First off I would like to say how much respect I have for fire fighters worldwide and I am extremely grateful for what they do to help protect our country. Recently I have started to consider becoming a retained fire fighter for Essex County Fire and Rescue when I reach the age of 18 because I have always wanted to work in the emergency services and fire fighting seems the best route to take for me because I also want to be  a music teacher.

I cannot believe that the government are even considering closing fire stations around London! London needs all of the fire stations that are currently open because they are an integral part of keeping the city safe. If stations start to get closed down not only will this increase unemployment even more but it will also increase fire service response time by a lot because another station from another part of London will have to attend the emergency all because the station nearest to that emergency got closed down.

We all know why this is being considered, it’s because of the recent enquiry made into that fire in a block of flats a few years ago. That was a terrible tragedy, yes it could have been avoided if there had been better planning and communication between fire fighter and civilian but unfortunately there wasn’t and an actual tardis hasn’t been invented yet so we can’t go back and change it.

I’m sure there are many other things the government could cut down on to save money rather than put the public’s lives at risk by shutting down fire stations and making it harder for the emergency services to do their job.

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